Banking Crisis Shock: FDIC Knew About It!

Banking Crisis triggered by the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) with nearly $200 billion in uninsured deposits, the 2nd largest bank failure in U.S. history, has sent shockwaves through the financial industry. But according to sources close to the matter, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has known about this looming crisis for

Banking Crisis

Challenges Faced by Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank is the largest bank in Germany and one of the systematically important banks in Europe. With total assets of over $1.5 trillion, it is one of the largest banks in the world by asset size. However, recent trends have shown that the stress in the banking system is on the rise, with increasing

Credit Suisse

Scandals that brought down Credit Suisse

Credit Suisse, a leading Swiss bank, has been hit hard by a series of scandals over the past two decades that have caused significant financial and reputational damage to the institution. From the Enron scandal to the Archegos Capital Management debacle, Credit Suisse has had a tumultuous ride. Credit Suisse’s financial missteps have been met

Banking System in Crisis

The banking System in crisis might have felt like a sudden apocalypse that dropped out of nowhere, but the reality is far from it. It’s a consequence of several factors that brewed for years – like a perfect storm. Firstly, the economy was flooded with $4 trillion in printed stimulus, leaving moneybags feeling richer than

Signature Bank, Cryptocurrency Strategy and its Downfall

Signature Bank (SBNY) began focusing on cryptocurrency in its final years, accepting customers from the industry in 2018. By 2021, the bank received over 16% of its deposits from the sector and held reserve monies from the Circle-managed USDC. This strategy proved risky and earned the bank the reputation of a “crypto bank”. Founder DePaolo

Liquidity is disappearing all around the board

The global financial markets are currently experiencing a severe liquidity crunch, with investors selling off stocks and assets in droves. The S&P 500 alone lost a staggering $600 billion in just two hours, highlighting the intensity of the crisis. Cryptocurrency markets were not spared either, with a loss of $40 billion today. Additionally, the four