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The New York State Vendor Responsibility (VendRep) System is a centralized, online platform designed by the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) to streamline the process of determining vendor responsibility. This system benefits both vendors and state contracting entities by providing a secure, standardized, and efficient method for handling vendor responsibility questionnaires and related information.

Benefits of the VendRep System

For Vendors:

  • Ease of Submission: Vendors can complete and submit their responsibility questionnaires online, reducing the need for paper-based processes.
  • Efficiency: Basic information such as addresses and contact details are stored, eliminating the need to re-enter them for each submission.
  • Security: The system ensures that only authorized users have access to the submitted information.
  • Tracking: Vendors can track the status of their submissions and re-certify their questionnaires with minimal effort.

For State Contracting Entities:

  • Access: Direct and immediate access to standardized vendor disclosures.
  • Cost Reduction: Reduces costs associated with paper documents.
  • Consistency and Accuracy: Improves the accuracy and timeliness of information used in vendor responsibility reviews.
  • Support: Provides user support through online help, definitions, and the OSC Help Desk.

Steps to Become a Vendor in New York State

  1. Obtain a NYS Vendor Identification Number:
    • Before accessing the VendRep System, ensure you have a NYS Vendor ID. If not, contact the OSC Help Desk for assistance.
  2. Enroll in OSC Online Services:
    • Primary Authorizer Setup: Choose a Primary Authorizer (PA) responsible for initiating the vendor’s OSC Online Services account. The PA will go through a multi-step process to enroll the organization.
    • Steps to Enroll:
      1. Agree to Terms of Service
      2. Enter Vendor ID and Legal Business Name
      3. Confirm Vendor Information
      4. Create PA Account
      5. Assign Roles
      6. Complete Enrollment
  3. Assign Roles within the VendRep System:
    • Administrator: Manages vendor data and user roles.
    • Contributor: Completes the online questionnaire.
    • Certifier: Certifies the accuracy of the questionnaire.
    • Guest: View-only access for reviewing forms or contract data.
  4. Complete and Certify the Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire:
    • Fill out the online questionnaire accurately.
    • Attach any necessary documents.
    • Ensure the Certifier role is used to certify the questionnaire, making it available for review by state contracting entities.
  5. Maintain and Update Information:
    • Regularly update the questionnaire and vendor information as needed.
    • Re-certify the questionnaire every six months to keep it current and valid.

The Vendor Responsibility Review Process

The VendRep System allows state contracting entities to review a vendor’s online questionnaire as part of the responsibility determination process. This process involves verifying the vendor’s financial and organizational capacity, legal authority, integrity, and past performance. If the state contracting entity requires the questionnaire to be filed at the time of bid/proposal submission, the vendor must notify the entity upon certification of the questionnaire.

User Support

For assistance, vendors can contact the OSC Help Desk via phone or email, available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding state holidays. Online help and training are also available to assist with using the VendRep System.

The VendRep System simplifies the vendor responsibility determination process, making it easier for vendors to do business with New York State. By following the steps outlined above, vendors can ensure they are properly registered and ready to bid on state contracts efficiently and securely.

For more detailed information, visit the New York State VendRep System website.

If you need professional assistance with the registration process, please contact Aliff Capital Sales via or Our experienced team is here to help you navigate the process and ensure your successful registration as a vendor with New York State.

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